Dynamics of M-truncated optical solitons and other solutions to the fractional Kudryashov's equation

Usman Younas, Fengping Yao, Naila Nasreen, Aziz Khan, Thabet Abdeljawad*

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7 Citations (Scopus)


The study of soliton theory plays a crucial role in the telecommunication industry's utilization of nonlinear optics. The principal area of research in the field of optical solitons revolves around optical fibers, metamaterials, metasurfaces, magneto-optic waveguides, and other related technologies. Therefore, the examination of these solitons received significant attention from scholars in recent years. Optical solitons refer to electromagnetic waves that are confined within nonlinear dispersive medium, wherein the balance between dispersion and nonlinearity effects enables the intensity to remain constant. In this manuscript, the dynamical behavior of Kudryashov's equation is discussed with the assistance of truncated M-fractional derivative. Kudryashov's equation is a mathematical model utilized to characterize complex phenomena in telecommunications and transmission technology. It describes the propagation of nonlinear pulses in optical fibers. Different forms of soliton solutions like bright, dark, singular and combo solitions have been extracted. Moreover, hyperbolic, periodic and Jacobi elliptic function solutions are recovered. Two recently modern integration tools like Φ6-expansion method and modified generalized exponential rational function method have been adopted to recover the solutions. The used methods not only provides previously extracted solutions but also secures new solutions. In order to visually depict the output, a variety of graphs featuring distinct shapes are produced in response to appropriate parameter values. The results obtained from this research indicate that the chosen methodologies are effective in improving the understanding of nonlinear dynamical phenomena. A large number of engineers who employ engineering models are expected to find this research interesting. The results demonstrate that the selected methods are practical, straightforward to implement, and applicable to intricate systems across numerous domains, with a specific emphasis on the field of optical fibers. The findings indicate that the system may contain a considerable number of soliton structures.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107503
JournalResults in Physics
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Fractional Kudryashov's equation
  • Jacobi elliptic function solutions
  • Modified generalized exponential rational function method
  • Optical solitons
  • Φ-expansion method


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