Hot flushes: Are black south african women any different?

Lineo Matsela*, A. Towobola, Ephraim T. Mokgokong

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Objectives: This study evaluated hormonal changes in black South African women at transition to menopause and examined their understanding of “hot flushes” and its remedial medication. Methods: Black South African women stratified by their menstrual history into pre-; peri-and post-menopause were enrolled for the study. A total of 165 women (55 women in each of the three groups), were enrolled for this study. Timed blood samples were taken based on the menstrual history of each of the women and the samples were analysed for follicle stimulating hormone, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate and oestradiol. Each woman was interviewed for awareness and knowledge of symptoms of “hot flushes” and its’ remedial medication. Data from the study were analysed for variance (ANOVA) and Student t – test. Significant differences in mean values and the strength of the significant difference (p-value) in any of the factors determined were carried out using the Duncan Multiple Range test for the mean. Results: Serum FSH, DHEAS and E2 levels were characteristic of women during transition to menopause. Endocrinopathy was evident among perimenopausal women and became worse in postmenopausal women. The women demonstrated sufficient knowledge about “hot flushes”, the use of hormone replacement therapy, yet, only 20% of them had ever sought for remedial measures for “hot flushes”. Conclusions: Hormonal changes in black South African women as they transit to menopause are similar to levels reported for this group of women. However, there is a need to fully explore the reluctance of these women to seek remedial medication for hot flushes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1785-1794
Number of pages10
JournalEast African Medical Journal
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2018


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