On the Inertial Range Bounds of K-41-like Magnetohydrodynamics Turbulence

Tesfalem Abate Tegegn*

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The spectral slope of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence varies depending on the spectral theory considered; −3/2 is the spectral slope in Kraichnan–Iroshnikov–Dobrowolny (KID) theory, −5/3 in Marsch–Matthaeus–Zhou and Goldreich–Sridhar theories, also called Kolmogorovlike (K-41-like) MHD theory, the combination of the −5/3 and −3/2 scales in Biskamp, and so on. A rigorous mathematical proof to any of these spectral theories is of great scientific interest. Motivated by the 2012 work of A. Biryuk and W. Craig (Physica D 241(2012) 426–438), we establish inertial range bounds for K-41-like phenomenon in MHD turbulent flow through a mathematical rigor; a range of wave numbers in which the spectral slope of MHD turbulence is proportional to −5/3 is established and the upper and lower bounds of this range are explicitly formulated. We also have shown that the Leray weak solution of the standard MHD model is bonded in the Fourier space, the spectral energy of the system is bounded and its average over time decreases in time.

Original languageEnglish
Article number833
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Kolmogorov theory
  • harmonic analysis
  • inertial range bound
  • magnetohydrodynamics turbulence
  • −5/3 law


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