Progress with rotavirus vaccines: Summary of the Tenth International Rotavirus Symposium

Umesh Parashar*, Duncan Steele, Kathleen Neuzil, Ciro De Quadros, Piyanit Tharmaphornpilas, Fatima Serhan, Mathu Santosham, Manish Patel, Roger Glass

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Tenth International Rotavirus Symposium Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 September 2012 Over 350 scientific, public and private sector experts from 47 countries convened at the Tenth International Rotavirus Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand on 19-21 September 2012 to discuss progress in the prevention and control of rotavirus, the leading cause of diarrhea hospitalizations and deaths among young children worldwide. Participants discussed data on the burden and epidemiology of rotavirus disease, results of trials of rotavirus vaccines, postmarketing data on vaccine impact and safety from countries that have implemented rotavirus vaccination programs, new insights in rotavirus pathogenesis, immunity and strain diversity, and key issues related to vaccine policy and introduction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-117
Number of pages5
JournalExpert Review of Vaccines
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2013
Externally publishedYes


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