Soliton solutions of Sasa–Satsuma nonlinear Schrödinger model and construction of modulation instability analysis

Aly R. Seadawy*, Naila Nasreen, Saad Althobaiti, Samy Sayed, Anjan Biswas

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16 Citations (Scopus)


This article is about the study of several types of solitions such as periodic soliton and solitary waves have been derived for sasa-satsuma equation by employing Riccati equation mapping technique. The significant model discusses the prolongation of femto-second pulses in optical fibers and also analyzes the prolongation, and connection of the ultra-short pulses in the sub-pico second or femto-second regime. We have also discussed Modulation instability (MI) analysis with the help of linear analysis of standard stability that illustrate all obtained outcomes are stable and exact. The computational work and accomplished outcomes portray the power and efficiency of this method. Furthermore, various other higher order dynamical models can be solved with the help of this simple, effective and powerful technique.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126
JournalOptical and Quantum Electronics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Generalized Riccati equation Mapping method
  • Optical soliton pulses
  • Periodic solutions
  • Sasa–Satsuma equation


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